
I check my blogger so often I don't know why I don't update my own blog. Specially now that i'm really into blogging since I have to maintain a blog about design for university, you can go take a peek here.

This semester I'm also attending photography classes. Everything is analog. We have to develop a project of photograms, pinhole photos and 35mm black and white photos. Since I'm really used to my digital camera babe I take some all the photos with it before to make sure I'm shooting at the right thing (with pinhole mainly).
Here they are some of the pictures resting on the memory card so far:

They are all self portraits since it's my theme for the pinhole project. (I just redimensioned the pics I don't know why some have shitty quality, I may update later)


It has been a while since I did one of those unprofessional photoshoot with my beautiful friends. I blame the lack of time. Thus every time I have my camera and friends around, I shoot them. BAM:

Took this yesterday while my classmates and I were celebrating the World Comunication Design Day at university by taking pictures of one's personal gestures.

New blog start

I should upload more here. I've always loved the idea of blogging since my brother presented it to me when i was ten (?). Before that I had a diary but hardly wrote on it, only when I was sad, other than that I quickly became bored out of describing my utterly normal day.
Now I just miss writing my thoughts.
My social anxiety always prevents me from saying whatever comes to my mind. I'll turn this in my space of mind vomit.
I should keep this blog updated.

Rainy year

Very few time passed since the fresh start of blogging but here comes already the cliche post about the year that is ending. Shame on me.
I had to do this though so I won't easily forget that 2012 was in fact a very important and great year to me. I turned 18, I dyed my hair, had serious arguments with parents, pierced my lip, became a tattoo apprentice, lots of hangovers, had serious arguments with my parents, had my first tattoo done on my leg (not everything needs a reason to be), met wonderful, selfless people, got my drivers license,  first semester of university (graphic design), made friends, lost even more friends, my cat (my best friend since I was 7/8 years old) passed away, worst Christmas ever, very serious argument with mother (I'm predicting the worst new years eve), visited a lot of museums, truly met downtown, said goodbye to my eyebrows. "Procrastination" was the word of the year.
I'm going to make 2013 even better, I have to.

Life in Museums II

Today I visited another museum, this time with my dad. The Museu Nacional de Arqueologia is part of Mosteiro dos Jerónimos, located in Belém near many museums and lots of important, historic and cultural centers  I didn't like the museum though. Very dim in te rooms, I swear that in some cases you could hardly see the piece. I totally respect the museums' rule of  photos without flash, because that isn't really necessary and pictures without flash capture the feeling so much better. Though in this case if you took a picture without flash it will come out darker than black. Another terrible thing was that there were too little information about the pieces exposed which will be a pain in he ass when I get to work on them.

Only picture with some cool quality from the museum.These are some little statues from Ancient Egipt called Chauabtis/Uchebtis.

I absolutely love to rock the classical look when going to museums and places like that. Über fun! Shirt and skirt: Spin Doctor (spin doctor clothing has a tag saying "wash with love", it is so lovely I want to hug everyone!)/ Shoes: Demonia

Life in Museums I

Friday, early in the morning, my friend Leo and I met downtown to visit a lot of museums for our history assignment. Both him and I are suckers for good bargains and it was the first day of clearance sales on every store, so we delayed a bit the work. In the end we didn't buy anything and we only visited one museum (we're supposed to visit 3 for the assignment).

Some pictures from subway! I love this subway station it always looks like a rave is happening there. They do a lot of shows there though.

We visited the Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga, near downtown, by the river. It is a very beautiful place, I was really surprised. It's huge and the last 2 floors are really cozy!! The first floor is just like any other museum, but there are a lot of beautiful paintings from the 15th-19th centuries including one by Bosch and another by Albert Dürer. It has a lovely garden with a lovely view!

Bosch painting.

This is a very famous painting in Portugal, I remember first hear about it in history class on 6th grade. It is very similar to Jan van Eyck style (and is from the same period obviously). 

The view from the museum garden!